I have been hiking and traveling alone for years now. It’s honestly my favorite way to go! It also means there’s often no one around to snap cute candids.
I feel very passionate that just because I'm an independent explorer, it doesn't mean I shouldn't have sweet photos to look back on in fifty-odd years.
So I’ve taken the matter into my own hands! And have gotten really efficient at it.
Let me tell ya how I take selfies that don’t look like selfies.
I have a ‘standard’ tripod (I call Tall Boy) that I use in the standing mode (~50” tall), mini mode (~18” tall), or a variation of the two. It works great on uneven ground, or if I want to take a unique angle, because I can adjust each leg to different heights. It also works great inside the van – propped on my bed or counter (with one leg in the sink) to capture photos in the hammock, or up in the cab in ‘standing mode’ to get those back-bed shots.

I also have this Bendy Boy tripod for more precarious places. His arms wrap around street signs, tree branches, the copper pipe above my bed, pretty much anything. Very versatile! And it's real small and light to carry on hikes (if I remember).

I've also added magnets to both tripods (not pictured in Tall Boy photos) so my phone quickly snaps securely on.
When I don't feel like carrying a tripod, or getting one out of the garage, I look for a tree to prop my phone on, or rocks to stack, or even position my backpack just right to hold up my phone. When worse-comes-to-worst, I've even been known to use a cactus (do not recommend!).
If you zoom in on most my photos, you’ll either see my Apple Watch on my wrist, or a littttttle black Bluetooth remote in my hand (not so good at hiding this yet). This is how I take a majority of my photos, except when I forget them and have to use the ol' timer-and-run method.
I slap my Apple Watch on as a super-efficient remote for taking photos. Bonus: it shows a preview of the shot right there on your wrist so you can see what's in the shot! Annnd it takes a burst of 10 photos, so you can choose your favorite of the batch.
The Bluetooth remote came with the Bendy Boy tripod (score!) and it works like a charm. It's by far my easiest to grab and go for a quickie shoot. I’m not sure the range on it, but so far no issues!

Other tidbits
I do own a nice SLR camera, but left it at my sister’s house because I didn’t think I’d want to use it. I have since changed my mind and plan to pick it up next time I’m back in Utah.
I also have Photoshop (and am actually really good at it from prior jobs) but choose not to use it 99% of the time because . . . I don't want to be fake! Yes, I could eeeasily edit out that pimple, smooth the wrinkles, tame the wild hairs, or cover up the cellulite – but that's not real, that's not me.
I do apply some fun filters in the Instagram app – Paris is my favorite for stories, and Clarendon for posts. And always make sure that exposure is cranked!
Love this!! Especially the magnet on the tripods! GREAT idea!! :)
Thanks for sharing, great tips! I just figured you were magic. @